Về công ty

We Nuzzle on Fundable. https://www.fundable.com/we-nuzzle We Nuzzle™ is a software development company creating web and mobile applications that will provide real-time, on-demand pet care services, including real-time search and provider selection process. We Nuzzle™ integrates a ground-up, fully-automated human resources software platform allowing for application, adjudication, & onboarding of potential caregivers. We Nuzzle™ provides an industry-first educational program in pet care via We Nuzzle Academy™. We Nuzzle's software, graphics, Academy App, and Store are all designed in house by our software development team. We Nuzzle™ is an IP Disruption to the platform technology sector and holds an extensive IP portfolio protecting all assets, trademarks, design, and utility patents surrounding our ground up platforms.

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