Về công ty

Launched in September 2010, Kupon Vilag (www.kuponvilag.hu) is the largest daily-deal group-buying company in Hungary with 40+ employees. We are backed by Europe’s premier investors in social media enterprises (Rebate Networks GmbH) with a network of daily-deal businesses in CEE and Asia. We offer great deals to both consumers and local business partners (restaurants, spas, hotels, beauty salons, wellness centers, entertainment venues) through our local daily-deal website that features discounted deals every day for our consumers on the best stuff to do, see, eat, and buy. • Company website: http://www.kuponvilag.hu • TV Commercial : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnKWzEK_pew • Company history (1 year anniversary): http://vimeo.com/38427048 • YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/KuponVilag • Company Blog: http://blog.kuponvilag.hu • Employee testimonials: http://www.kuponvilag.hu/budapest/dolgozz-velunk/

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