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Forgame Group (Forgame云游控股) is a Chinese company focused on developing and launching cloud games. Founded in 2009, Forgame is headquartered in Guangzhou. It consists of Feiyin and Jieyou, both of which are brands of game research and development, and Weidong launching platform. Forgame has launched more than 20 sets of self-developed cloud games, including Ming Dynasty, Wan, Wan2, Dream Faerie, Nine Fairy Dream and the Myth in Foreworld, and more. Besides being issued in 91wan of Forgame, these games are also issued on more than 100 platforms, such as, 4399, 360, Baidu, Duowan and PPS, and others with the model of joint operation. In addition, 91wan has successfully launched more than 50 vicegerent games, such as UUYX and Hero Expedition.

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