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3Leaf Group is a learning and training library that rents audiobooks out to customers to promote self-help and growth. Many companies we service have learning requirements for their employees to spend hours of their own free time on progressive training. Some of the benefits of our progressive training company are universal learning and professional development. Our learning content include topics on leadership, diversity in the workplace, maintaining a work life balance, and motivational titles. We also offer a learning on demand option for learning on the go. We have a positive and encouraging corporate culture with a focus on employee engagement. This ups productivity and results in our audio book company. Our human resources department is always friendly and happy to help. Just a small selection of our great authors include Stephen Covey (world-renowned author of “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”), Jim Collins, Napoleon Hill (author of “Master Key to Riches”), Ben Carson, Zig Ziglar, Dale Carnegie (“H

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